Thursday, August 5, 2010

3 more weeks!!!

In a mere three weeks from today, I'll be in Santa Monica for a fun-filled vacation! I can't wait. When I was there last November, I did a lot of Comfy Pants hanging out with my sister-in-law Jilly Beans, who was super-pregnant at the time.
This time around I'll be doing a lot of hanging out with Mama Beans and Baby Beans!


  1. Don't forget those comfy pants. it's been chilly

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm looking forward to what you think of as "chilly" after a month in a row of 95 degree days.

  4. We are having fun already. A good walk to Krispy Creme with Sawyer...bring on the comfy pants!
